■ Labour propose a 20% VAT on independent schools' fees, "The Childrens Tax", is once again at the forefront of their manifesto. It would have a devastating impact on schools in Hampstead & Highgate, both independent and state.
■ We are aware that the many independent schools in Highgate, Hampstead, West Hampstead and Belsize Park are essential economic drivers at the heart of Hampstead's economy. Don Williams is very concerned that a 20% VAT hike on independent schools' fees will have a detrimental effect on our community.
■ The negative effects on local state schools need to be considered. Under Labour’s tax proposal, many families would no longer be able afford to send their children to private schools. Many parents sacrifice in order to give their children the very best education.
A 20% VAT hike means lots of children would be forced to enter Camden state schools. This will result in chaos, with not enough places to go around and a big bill for cash-strapped Councils like Camden & neighbouring Cuncils. This bill will be passed on to you!
■ The choice will be clear at the General Election. Don Williams is firmly against this proposal. Tell him your views by typing camden.team/VATOnfees into a search engine or scan the QR code into your - smartphone and follow the survey.
This tax will damage our childrens' education, our local economy, hurt your pockets and overload local state schools.
Don says NOT to The Childrens TAX